Deep into the Undress
… so let her slip
Out of her heavy garment then, let her slip back
Into the rib, into Your dreams, Your
Loneliness, back, deep into the undress…
— “Updraft”, from “Erosion”
Jorie Graham
Jorie Graham
The creation of the works in Deep into the Undress is based on the image of my mother's rounded figure. Starting from this image, I slowly peeled away the layers, step by step, showing the process of going from chaos to order, from fragmentation to wholeness, and from symbiosis to separation. Thus attempting explore the experience of being in the womb. This process of deconstruction arises from my curiosity about the state of being in the womb, surrounded by amniotic fluid.
This is a state that is completely unknown to me, mysterious and incomprehensible. I can only imagine it as a state of endless drifting in a river that is constantly flowing. In this mysterious and intimate spaces, is there light? Is there sound? Is there color?
By working with watercolor and painting in a sequential manner, I hope to capture the fluidity in the womb and organic shapes of the womb, as well as reflect on the relationship between mother and child with the passage of time.